Bamboo & Pine Press is located at Maryland, in the Washington area. The publishing house (Zhu & Song Press, LLC) publishes various books and magazines. The publishing house currently registered severial Trade Names. Bamboo & Pine Press is one of them. The publisher has a PCN account issued by the Library of Congress and can help authors apply for a LCCN (Library of Congress Control Number).

Classic Plan


Print Formatting and Digital Formatting (E-Book)

Bamboo and Pine Press will publish your book on print formats, and also will format and submit your ePub file for the Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, and other distribution channels.​

Interior Revisions

Bamboo & Pine Press will not change your book contents, but will examine your book, conduct an Editorial Assessment and make up to 100 corrections. Publisher errors such as hyphenation errors, formatting issues or misplaced graphics which occurred during production must also be noted on the proof form.​

Amazon and Barnes & Noble Distribution

Once you publish with us, your book will be available through retailers such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble.​

Author introduction page

Bamboo & Pine Press will publish an author introduction page which is Google search engine friendly on our website. ​

ISBN Assignment

If you’re looking to establish and identify your title for acceptance by booksellers, libraries, universities, wholesalers and distributors – an International Standard Book Number is a must!

Free Copies: 10 Paperback Books

LCCN registration

Plus Plan

Premiere Plan

Please submit your detailed request to us.